Join the Community Food Share!

(If you’re looking for our weekly produce delivery service, please click here to be redirected to our online store! Thanks!)

How does it all work?


It’s pretty simple: become a member of the Holistic Homestead, sign up for your monthly share, come to the Homestead twice a month to pick up your produce.

Read more about our Community Food Share program…CSA FAQ (part 1) and CSA FAQ (part 2)


Members of the Homestead get the freshest, highest quality organic produce at cost twice a month when they sign up for the CFS. If you are interested in participating in this program, FIRST become a member of the Holistic Homestead ($25/year at the Friend level).

Once you’re a member, you are welcome to start buying produce shares on our online store. You will also receive an e-mail with links to sign up for the CFS and more information about benefits of membership.


6 Comments on “Join the Community Food Share!

    • Hi, Thank you so much for your comment. Please like, share and follow The Holistic Homestead to get a free e-mail every time we publish a post. Feel free to contact me with any questions, or topics you’d like to see covered on this site. Register for our spring cleanse to get a free PDF all about cleansing! Here’s to your health, Arwen

  1. Queens Quinoa Grain – 250 grams
    Price : 300

    Many diseases are caused when our body is not in the correct balance.

    Nowadays, maintaining a balance with our busy lifestyles can be quite challenging. The quality of foods, a variety of diets and supplements can be overwhelming.

    What we need first and foremost is a balanced diet that is more alkaline than acidic. That way our organs will function properly, and our skeletal health will remain strong.

    Nature has provided us with a humble little seed, the quinoa, which is a powerhouse of nutrients. Queens Quinoa- Grain & Flour is the first naturally grown grain that can help us to maintain an excellent health.

    for more please visit :

    • Dear Queens Quinoa,

      I appreciate your attempt to share your wonderful product on my blog. Your “cut and paste” comments will be marked as spam from now on. However, if Queens Quinoa is interested in becoming an official sponsor for The Holistic Homestead I may be open to learning more about your product, and perhaps writing a review. Just let me know. Sincerely, Arwen

  2. Pingback: The Holistic Homestead, Health Starts at Home, Here's to your Health!

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